Hall’s Arrow is at the center of target archery Connecticut
Target archers get the “gold medal” treatment, at Hall’s Arrow with a highly trained and talented staff, headed by Olympic gold medal winner “Butch” Johnson. Under Butch’s tutelage we have the best trained recurve and compound bow technicians and instructors in the country. They are uniquely qualified to get top performance out of your recurve bow, as well as the target compound. Hall’s Arrow indoor range was conceived and constructed years before the compound bow was introduced to archery. The art of setting up a recurve bow has always been, and always will be “an art form”, the secrets of which are not common knowledge, but rather one of Hall’s Arrow most valuable assets, which keeps us at the center of target archery in new england.
Largest selection of quality equipment to be found anywhere
Hall’s Arrow maintains the largest inventory of recurve target bows, to be found anywhere. We are well stocked with “high quality entry level recurves” through to the “top of the line” tournament recurves for youth of all ages, and adult men and women. Our inventory includes bows manufactured by Hoyt, Greatree, and S.F. Archery, and represent a full product line of choices in both wood and metal handle risers. Bows by other leading manufactured are also available on request. Although we have many models in stock, there are so many choices available, that custom orders have become the norm. Come in, See, try, and choose the bow that best suits you!.
Target compound bows are made available by a wider group of manufacturers including, Hoyt, Mathews, Bowtech, and P.S.E. At Hall’s Arrow we don’t just sell you a bow, we make sure that the bow you choose fits you correctly, and that we have tuned it to get the best performance possible with the arrows you will be shooting. In addition, Hall’s Arrow includes our NO CHARGE SERVICE policy on every bow we sell. This covers labor costs on most future tune-ups and maintenance, including the instalation of rests, sights, and accessories, all of which are an added value to the price you paid for your bow.
The finest hand made, custom arrows available anywhere
The bow cannot shoot any better than the arrows that will be shot out of it. Therefore, determining proper arrow size is extremely important in order to get the best performance. Hall’s Arrow maintains an amazing inventory of all viable arrow sizes of Easton Aluminum and Carbon Arrow Shafts. We fletch as many different arrow sizes ahead as possible, with feathers and vanes, but we only cut and point the arrows, after measuring our customer to determine proper arrow length. If we don’t have any colors made up that you like, we will be glad to make a set of custom colors for you, at no additional charge.

Adult or target leagues and tournaments
One of the most successful adult target leagues we have scheduled in recent years has been named “adult archery achievement”. This is a ninety minute instructional league for adults who would like to improve their shooting skills in a recreational setting. The scheduled shooting time has been a choice of Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. For the most part the adult league follows the same calander year as our JOAD programs. The main advantage for an adult in joining a league is that it provides us with a time and structure allowing us to “recharge” on a regular basis. One of the main advantages in shooting archery is that it is an individual sport, and we don’t have to compete in order to be successful. The simple pleasure of shooting the bow becomes its own reward. For future info check with Roxanne for details @ 860-646-0443.
There are many opportunities for archers to compete in tournaments throughout the year. Hall’s Arrow hosts and sponsores The New England Indoor Open Archery Championships every year, since 1964. Leading up to this event, we schedule warm-up tournaments, on the first sunday of November, December, and January, followed by the New England Championship which will be shot on the last week-end of January. On the first Sunday in February we will have a warm-up for the nationals, followed by the first Sunday in March which will be warm-up for the state championships. Check our events listfor other tournaments throughout the year. See you indoors!

291 West Middle Turnpike
Manchester, CT, 06040
Phone (860) 646 - 0443
Staff and Product Photo Credits: Teresa Johnson Photography |